Tuesday, March 20, 2012


New camera! So here's some pictures...

Morning shower on my birthday in Rishikesh:

Outside the ashram in which the Beatles stayed in the late 60s (now unused) :

After Rishikesh and Haridwar, I headed to the Parvati Valley. This was by far the most beautiful place I've seen in India yet. It also had cheap lodging, amazingly friendly people, and a rich cultural heritage. People look very different up here in the mountains, with paler skin tones and different facial features, some, with straight noses and blue/green eyes, look very Kashmiri. Others look more Tibetan. Either way I feel like I fit in more here as there is so much diversity!

The last few days I went to Manali where I paraglided, which was incredible, and scary and amazing , even though the flight was short. I'm now chilling in Mcleod Ganj, home of the Dalai Lama in exile, so there's plenty of Tibetans here. It's a fun and interesting place, and I'll stay here a few days while planning my next destination: Kashmir!


  1. Bravo pour le paragliding...on fait ca a Geneve???
    Et puis ca fait du bien de te voir en photo.....

  2. Nice to see your pictures Jono! Paragliding?!? Craaaazy! Was that shower freezing?! There's snow all around you, the water must have been so cold!! Enjoy Kashmir and bring some back!!
